Monday, July 26, 2010

The weekend

Mike and I went to a Greek restaurant (Yanni's Tavern) in Bethlehem and then stayed over at The Historic Bethlehem Hotel.  Mike was in the mood for Greek. (as if he is ever not.) and he had stayed at the hotel for an LCAR retreat.  Anyway it was a fun mini vacation.  We didn't walk around much because of the heat.  I did get a nice blue glass ink well. (new)  I think Mike's having trouble getting back in gear after the show.

The heat has got every body down I think, although after the storms rolled thru here yesterday it's cooled down. YEA!

I know the story has lapsed into neverland, as it were.  I'll let it sit for awhile and maybe something will bloom.

I've been sewing some lately, mostly shortening, and slimming (yea) things, but just cut out a black and white checked top, and will help Sara with a corset when we both have time.  Right now she's teaching at Princeton Summer Camp for the Gifted.

I'll stop now and write Lea a letter at camp.

1 comment:

  1. While not being able to get back into the swing of things isn't good, there's certainly nothing wrong with wanting to get out of the house on weekends!

    The other day I ordered Sluvlaki at a British gastropub by the unappetizing name of The Slug and Lettuce. Apparently, brits don't mind the name, as it's a reasonably popular chain. Anyway, it occurred to me after I got it that I no longer have much idea what sluvlaki is supposed to be like, it's been so long.
