Friday, June 4, 2010

More story and stuff

Thanks for the story ideas, it's interesting that the flowering bush is a rose bush. I think I may have to make a separate story page to keep the story all together. As to the book sale, I did get a few decorating books, nothing spectacular. No etiquette books though, sorry. ; ) Mike and I saw UP the other day (yea Netflix). I loved it, the animation was great, a joy to watch. I especially liked the translucency of the balloons. The story was moving but not too mushy. (ok I have a high mush tolerance) and the characters had.. character. So many movie characters do not! Definitely a movie to watch more than once. We saw Atavar too. Liked it a lot. Beautiful world. I particularly like the 'magical' glowing scenes. The back and forth between Pandora and 'our' worldlings was interesting, and not confusing. I think the hype was overdone, but definitely enjoyable. Our house is being painted, finally! I teased the painter that the colors were pink and purple, he just said they were havoing trouble finding the purple. Oh well. I guess we'll go with the colors already on. Brick and white. We've painted the porch swing! it's royal blue. (ok I had to get the blue, right....I have no blue or green or purple on tody, so there. ; ) I will try to make a page for the story, and add more to it later, hopefully this weekend.


  1. Up sounds wonderful -- thanks for reminding me to add it to my rental list, along with Rattotole, the other Pixar film I haven't seen.
    I'm glad you enjoyed Avatar -- I quite liked it as well. Did you see the 3d version? Did it "work" well for you?
    The repainting sounds like good news, and royal blue sounds like a good colour for the swing... have any photos?

  2. Ratatouille is great -- not so much the plot, but the animation. For me, the hardest part is the rats in the kitchen -- I get that's the point -- that for some reason mice are adorable when they are animated characters and rats are not -- but honestly, whatever created that image in my mind did its job -- rats streaming through a kitchen -- even anthropomorphic rats -- are a little hard to, well, stomach. There was a political cartoon in the Philadelphia Inquirer -- Tony Auth -- that had a mouse frantically sweeping up the oil spill -- I swear one could hear the music from Fantasia in the background -- brilliant!! I wish I could capture so much in a single image. Oh, please keep the story going -- I want to find out what happens.
